Rates & Billing

Water and Sewer Rates

Water and Sewer Rates are set by the City Council.  Our current rates are listed below. If you do not find the information you need or if you have questions, please contact our office.

Meter Readings

Each meter is read every month to ascertain water usage. A "read date" is printed on the statement. The water charge is based on actual usage each month.

The sewer charge is based on your prior year's water usage with new customers starting out at the minimum charge. This charge is figured before the January billing, and will remain a flat rate all year.

In the event of a rate increase, it is necessary to recalculate the new rate during the year. When this occurs, the months used to get the average will be specified in the ordinance.

How We Bill

Statements are sent out monthly no later than the last business day of the month and payment is due by the 10th. Under city ordinance, a penalty of 10% is charged after the 10th. In an effort to be fair to all customers, we do not penalize payments received by mail that are postmarked on or before the 10th. If the 10th falls on the weekend, you have until the following Monday to pay without penalty. We also accept advance payments on accounts.


We are proud to offer an eBill option to our customers.  If you would prefer to receive your bill via email, please visit our customer web portal to add your email address and set your communication preferences.  You may also call or visit our office to set up eBilling. 

Delinquent Accounts

Accounts that are NOT PAID BY THE 10TH OF THE MONTH are subject to disconnection. Disconnection occurs approximately 10 days after the due date.  The day before disconnection we attempt to contact customers by phone to avoid service disconnections for non-payment. Please notify the Utility office if your phone number changes.

On the Disconnection Date, payments must be made before 10:00 am to avoid a Reconnection Fee. After 10:00 am, payment in full plus a Reconnection  Fee must be made before service is restored. The reconnection fee is $30.00 during normal business hours of 8:00 am to 4:30 pm on weekdays. The reconnection fee is $50.00 during weekends or after hours. 

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